4:30-5:30 PM at Rockville United Church
Suitable for beginners or those who want a silent practice period after work. We do 10 minutes of silent sitting (Zazen) in chairs, followed by a reading or poetry and 20 minutes of Zazen, followed by tea and conversation. All are welcome for this practice period, bringing peace and rest to ourselves and our busy world.
If you wish to have an instruction in Zazen, please contact the teacher ( and we can meet at 4:15.
Meet in the sanctuary in the Rockville United Church, 355 Linthicum Street, Rockville 20851. It is a welcoming and inclusive church in a suburban neighborhood. Plenty of parking; near the Twinbrook metro and Library.
Come a little early to find your seat. No experience necessary. Led by Sensei Martine.
4:45-6:00 pm in the Zendo in Aspen Hill
Zen practice in a more traditional formal style. Zazen (3 periods of silent seated meditation, 25-minutes with kinhin/walking meditation, bowing and chant practice) and Service (chanting, teacher talk). Please come a little early to find your seat. Wear comfortable clothes. Sit in a chair or on a floor cushion. Opportunity to speak with the teacher. All are welcome.
Newcomers may register for an orientation from 4:00-4:45 pm or 6:30-7:00 pm by contacting us at
Click here for map for Zendo location Aspen Hill, 13815 Arctic Avenue.
7:00- 8:00 pm in the cloud Zendo on Zoom
After opening chants we ring the bell for a silent 25-minute practice of Zazen, a dharma talk, or a student talk, or a presentation from a guest teacher. The presentation is followed with reflection or Q&A
Click here: Zoom Link or
DAY OF ZEN monthly on SUNDAYS (Zazenkai)
Join us for a half day of extended zazen, walking meditation, tea and dharma talk. Our Zazenkai are typically 10:30-2 pm or 12:30 to 5:30 pm. Check our Retreats Schedule for information.
February 24 (Saturday), March 24, April 28, (No May), June 23, (closed July), August 25 , October 20 , November 17, no December
Where: Aspen Hill Library, 4407 Aspen Hill Road, Rockville, MD. Lower level.
We set up a Zendo in the lower level conference space, with cushions and chairs. This is a day of extended Zen practice: Includes periods of Zazen, Walking, Tea, Chanting, Dharma Talks and Teacher Meetings (Dokusan). See here for details.
Newcomers may join the first half from 12:30-2:30 pm. Please contact us for information. Register here
The Day of Zen is offered freely. Suggested Donations help us continue to rent space: $15- 20 suggested donation.
SESSHIN/ZEN RETREAT (spring and fall)
Residential Zen Retreat/Sesshin/Registration link for September 6-9, 2024 in Germantown, MD. Registration opens June 10.
This is a period of extended residential Zen practice in a more traditional form. There is a 2- and 3-day weekend option, private room, healthy meals, with a variety of Zen teachers presenting. Please see our link for more information and how to register.
August 11-13, 2023 Sesshin in West Virginia