Newcomers and instruction in Zen practice

We welcome visitors with or without prior experience in Zen.

The best way is to attend one of our weekly sittings, or attend an orientation, generally scheduled before meditation practice periods. For orientation, instruction, or to speak with a Teacher, email

  • What to Expect: We will start with short periods of meditation, on a cushion or in a chair. Wear comfortable clothing, nothing special. We offer basic instruction in Zazen, walking meditation, and other Zen forms.

  • Questions are important and inquiry is encouraged. You may wonder: Is Zen something anyone can do? How can I practice meditation at home? How does one practice in the middle of a busy life? What is Zen?

There are few ways to get started practicing Zen:

  • Zazen Home Practice. Start a home daily sitting practice of 10 minutes a day. Build up to 25 minutes. Consistency is best. Zazen can be practiced anywhere. Basic Zazen Instructions are Here.

  • Sit with a Group. Zen is best done in community, where you have a chance to speak with a teacher and be supported by others.

  • Other Zen Practice Groups and Resources

  • Meeting with a Teacher. If you have questions on practice, or wish to start Zen study, speak with the Teacher.

  • Study Groups. You can also join one of our online Practice Study groups.