Ango Practice Period: January 6- April 7, 2025
Ango Practice Period for 2025 --3 months of individual committed practice
from January 6 to April 7
~Registration closes January 13
In ancient Japan, this practice period would be a winter "mountain practice" or summer "monsoon season" time to intensify Zen practice, when things are still. We still do Ango today.
Ango helps strengthen our Zen.
You may commit to Ango on your own, or you can join our biweekly encouragement and study on Monday evenings 6:30-7:30 pm with Sensei Bill and Sensei Martine. Ango in Japanese means "Peaceful Dwelling" and is a period of commitment to intensify our Zen practice and an opportunity to stretch ourselves and find more joy in our practice.
We have an Orientation/Information Night on Zoom January 6 from 6:30-7:30 pm if you need more information. And we have an Ango FAQ’s if desired.
Each person tailors their Ango commitment according to their life circumstances.
What in my life is calling for my dedicated practice or attention? How can I intensify my commitment (in small or large ways) to the life of the Buddha? Saving all beings? Cutting through delusions? Entering new dharma gates? Living the way of a Bodhisattva?
Our commitment might take many forms, such as: increased time for daily Zen meditation; attending Zazenkai and Sesshin; setting aside more time for study of Zen sutras or other teachings; adding 15 minutes to your daily Zazen; meeting with a teacher more frequently; increased community engagement; stretching Zen practice by attending Zazenkai or in-person sits, making contributions to the community. We might also expand our practice by incorporating: forms of body awareness or the arts, like yoga or Tai Chi; singing or chanting the sutras, painting, sutra copying. We encourage only setting reasonable goals---but ones that stretch you --and require a spiritual commitment from yourself.
We offer Biweekly Monday Zoom Ango Encouragement and Study for Registrants: January 13 and 27, February 10 and 24, March 10 and 24, April 7. Senseis Bill Dietrich and Martine Palmiter will facilitate reflections. Please register.
However we choose to intensify our practice, we commit to intentionally entering into life with greater awareness and an open heart.
If you have any questions, please let Sensei Bill or Sensei Martine know, and he or she will get back with you promptly. We hope you can join us!
Martine Taikai Palmiter Sensei 泰海
Peaceful Ocean
Bill Jian Dietrich Sensei
Jian 慈安 Compassionate Peace